Obstacles in Robotic Welding in the Brazilian Industry

Obstacles in Robotic Welding in the Brazilian Industry

From a welding machine maintenance company, a company that significantly participated in the modification of the welding industry in Latin America and will certainly change the welding industry in other regions where there are needs to be met.

When the company Powermig Automação e Soldagem started its activities, the company's services were limited to maintenance of welding machines. In the design of this equipment, one of the main concerns was how achieve energy savings combined with higher power.

Also, noise interference on voltage measurements, fluctuations in the electrical power network, impedance variations or even magnetic metallic masses are factors that could affect the result achieved by welding machines. As well, these machines are part of the set of main causes of voltage fluctuations in industrial electrical networks.

As a result, yield loss and variation of power and torque in electrical machines. Or else, interference in electrical protection devices. Finally, when a equipment like this was send for maintenance repair, sometimes the decision was to discard. The maintenance costs were unfeasible when compared with the acquisition of new equipment.


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