International Conference on Welding Technology

6th Edition of International Conference on Welding Technology

Award Nomination -

Abstract Submission-

Plenty to be thankful for during National Welding Month

Showing appreciation for the welders and fabricators who make the metalworking industry special

I know it’s not November anymore, and Thanksgiving has come and gone, but I wanted to give my thanks.

You see, it was one year ago last April that I joined The WELDER. Hard to believe it’s been a year; the milestone may have already passed by the time you read this. Everyone here at the FMA welcomed me with open arms, and I thank them for giving me this opportunity and look forward to what year two brings.

But I also want to give thanks to those of you who have opened up to me over the past year—whether you shared why you became a welder in the first place, showed me around a shop or facility, explained the intricacies of welding aluminum, etc.

The list includes people like DeIla Ray, who was a great person to speak to for this latest issue. Ahead of International Women’s Day in March and National Welding Month in April, Ray shared how she got her start as a welder, how she connects with other women in the industry, and more.

It includes Alex Mendez, who months ago said to me, “There’s just something amazing about the idea of—when you simplify it—using lightning to fuse metal together that it’s almost wizardry. You’re using this arc of electricity to fuse metal together.” One of my favorite quotes ever.

It includes the columnists who’ve graced this magazine and provided assistance along the way. Josh Welton, for instance, gave me a crash course in TIG welding earlier this year at his Detroit shop.

And it’s not just those who’ve been featured in articles or written columns. It’s people like Tim, a Michigan man I met at Josh’s workshop who briefly shared why he drove to Josh’s shop to improve his TIG skills.

Or the Delta Airlines rep working its booth at the SkillsUSA Championships in Atlanta last summer. He took the time to show me the welds on a jet engine on display. As someone with a fascination with all things aviation, that moment stood out to me.

You’ve all really made my job easier. And I’m sure there will be more people to thank in 2023.

And I won’t forget the welders who have made all our lives easier and enjoyable in one way or another. They’ve worked on our buildings, the cars and planes we admire and take for travel, the equipment at your favorite brewery. Whether you thought about them or not, their work was there.

And so, on this National Welding Month, I say thank you.


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