International Conference on Welding Technology
6th Edition of International Conference on Welding Technology
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Here are expert tips for welding a 6G inclined pipe
Welding is already a challenging job, but there are some welds that are more difficult than most. The hardest weld is arguably 6G, which is a pipe weld at a 45-degree angle.
The pipe is also fixed, so you can’t rotate the pipe as you weld; instead, you have to do the moving. Since getting your 6G welding certification can be tricky, we’ve compiled some advice for you.
Check out these expert tips for welding a 6G inclined pipe.
Use tack welding to check settings
Before you can put in the root pass, you need to set up tack welds around the sides of the gap to hold the pipes in place.
These tack welds will form the basis for your root pass. When you put in the first tack weld, use it as an opportunity to gauge your weld settings, like amperage and travel speed.
If something seems off, make the necessary adjustments before moving on.
Feather your tack welds
When you weld up onto a tack weld, you can end up with too much metal layered together. To fix this, many people feather the ends of the tack welds to eliminate excess metal.
However, you shouldn’t feather every end of every tack. Feather both ends of the 12 o’clock weld (the top weld), and the bottom ends of the side tacks.
Don’t bother feathering the bottom tack because you’ll weld from the 6 o’clock position up to the other tacks.
Do several dry runs
A dry run is just a practice pass without turning your welding machine on. Doing dry runs allows you to figure out the position you want to tackle your welds. Will you stand the whole time? Will you get down on your knees for the bottom weld?
Take this time to find a position that’s comfortable since you may be there for several minutes at a time.
Out of all the different types of pipe welding positions, 6G is definitely the hardest.
We hope these expert tips for welding a 6G inclined pipe are helpful, especially if you’re attempting to get your 6G certification. Make sure you practice plenty of times before going in for your exam and try not to feel discouraged if you don’t pass it the first time.
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