International Conference on Welding Technology

11th Edition of International Conference on Welding Technology

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Abstract Submission-

Virtual conference will highlight collaborative welding tools for fabricators

Collaborative robot company Universal Robots will host a virtual conference on the future of welding. “Reautomated: The Virtual Experience,” scheduled for Oct. 26, will explain how collaborative welding tools can help fabricators improve their productivity and efficiency.

The event will be broadcast live from the company’s Center of Excellence for welding in Novi, Mich. It will include panel discussions with experts and industry leaders, manufacturer case stories and live welder interviews, an introduction to the UR20 robot and a live welding demonstration, and live Q&A with industry experts.

“Trying to increase productivity and efficiency while also lacking skilled labor is a mission impossible. This is where Cobots can help,” said Will Healy III, global industry segment leader for welding at Universal Robots. “We are seeing a surge in adoption of collaborative welding solutions, but many still have questions on how to get started. That’s why we are hosting this event. No matter if you’re a small family-owned company or a large multinational enterprise, this broadcast will be packed with the latest knowledge and share the best tips for increasing welder engagement, driving consistency, and boosting your productivity with collaborative welding tools.”

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